4 Profound Tips To Take Care Of Newborn Baby
4 Most essential tips to take care of a newborn baby that all mothers should follow.
1. When the ass is cooked
If after cleaning it is not irritated, you do not need to put anything. If it is irritated, we put paste in the water in diaper changes until the perianal area is again pink and sanita.
One way to make homemade baby cream is using a mixture of cornstarch and olive oil, which also works.
2. Washing baby clothes Babies' skin is quite delicate and usually responds easily to any "aggression." Surely you will have noticed that if you take them naked our fingers are marked for a while.
To avoid possible reactions, it is advisable to wash the baby's clothes separately, make sure that it clears well and if possible not to use softener , as it causes many allergic skin reactions (pimples, redness, etc.). It is convenient to do the same with your sheets and blankets and with ours if the child ends up in our bed or takes a nap in it.
3. What to do with milk crust?
The milk crust is the scab that comes out to infants. That's why it's called that (nothing to do with breast milk). It is an aesthetic problem, a seborrheic dermatitis that does not produce any symptoms and, as such, is only removed if desired (unless there are signs of infection ).
If you want to remove it, what is usually recommended is to use olive, almond or baby oil , applying it on the head for a while. That massage with oil softens the scabs and so, half an hour later, they jump when they bathe and pass a sponge over their head. It is done slowly, with love, and without waiting for everything to fall in a day (a few fall every time it is done).
4. Cut or not cut hair The baby's haircut is also done for aesthetics . In the first months, much of the baby's hair usually falls and many are practically bald. Then, around six months, the final hair begins to come out. Cutting it will not make the hair come out stronger , so it is only done if the parents believe that the baby will be better with short hair.
For this, scissors with the round tip should be used (the blade is totally discouraged and the hair clipper can harm her) and keep the baby calm so as not to harm her.