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Nutrition For Sleep Disorders

The activity of the organism is not unimportant with the dietary intake. So there are food that favors sleep and others that keep us awake. Some foods reduce the blood pressure and pulse, stimulate the general metabolism is not likely, and thus favor the gliding into sleep. Conversely, the absorbed food can also put the body into a higher level of activity and thus make it difficult to fall asleep.

Besides the nature of the food, its quantity is of course also important. An all-too-full belly is just as unfavorable as the nightmare as a growling stomach. You should avoid at least two hours between your last meal and the bed rest, avoiding dull food in the evening. The following tips will help you to take advantage of the positive effects of food and to avoid the negative effects. Remeber zyrtec also makes you sleepy so you can read about it.

Good sleep

Positive influence of diet:-


Alcohol in moderation:

Alcohol in small amounts makes most people tired. Higher amounts of alcohol have a contrary effect. Beer: Besides the alcohol, the hops contained in the beer also have a soothing effect. However, the drink should not be taken too cold, as the body must then produce energy to warm it to body temperature. You should not drink more than 3 dl.


In addition to the alcoholic, red wine has additional soothing effects. The numerous ingredients (tannins, phenols, dyes, etc.) help to relieve tension, which is often the cause of sleep problems. However, you should not allow more than 2 dl. By the way, white wine (and sparkling wine), in contrast to red wine, is stimulating, not sobering.


A drink with the right herbal mix can have amazing effect. The effects of the individual plants have been known for centuries and are now scientifically proven. They either act directly as a soporific or as a soothing, mood- and nerve-stabilizing device. The following plants are active: balm, valerian, hops, lavender, passionflower, St. John's wort and kava. Caution: do not drink black or green tea - these contain coffee and cola stimulating caffeine .


The effect of this fruit is probably due to its positive influence on neurotransmitters. The tryptophan contained in the banana increases the body's serotonin level . This substance has a lightening effect and a tension-relieving effect. Sleeping is facilitated and sleep quality is promoted. Also cachew and sunflower seeds contain much tryptophan.

Food Ingredients:

Dietary methods are popular lately, which, in the sense of a separation diet, recommend carbohydrate-rich foods in the morning and high-quality food in the evening. The thesis is that protein - unlike carbohydrates - does not stimulate nocturnal insulin production, which in turn favors the storage of fat.

Whether this method actually leads to a quieter sleep is controversial. Other experts are of the opinion that food with complex carbohydrates (such as whole grain or potatoes ) promote the release of the hormone serotonin and thus quiet sleep.


The intake of certain foods before falling asleep can also have psychological background: by eating or drinking, a "ritual" is initiated which is linked to sleep in the subconscious mind. However, the end of the day can also be used with other rituals such as a short evening walk or reading a few pages.

Negative influence of diet:-

Caffeinated beverages, nicotine:

These supplements increase blood pressure and pulse and increase activity. So do not spend the evening and coffee, coke, black tea and cigarettes in the afternoon.

High doses of alcohol:

Large quantities of alcoholic beverages are more likely to have an anesthetic similar to a healthy sleep ("sleep like a stone"). The result of this is that this condition decreases as the alcohol level decreases and you then have to "fall asleep" again. Deep sleep and dream phases get mixed together, the sleep is less relaxing. No wonder that after an alcohol-rich evening, you feel as if you feel fine.

Fat and sugar-rich foods:

The digestion of large amounts of fat is associated with considerable effort for the body. As a result, the circuit has to work again. A high blood glucose level also acts as a signal for the organism to stimulate the metabolism. The energy provided must be "processed" in some form - it is either stored, burnt or put into motion.

White wine and champagne:

Both have a stimulating effect in spite of alcohol. There is also plenty of acid in both drinks.

Citrus fruits:

Oranges or tangerines should not be consumed immediately before going to bed. The fruit acid (also in the form of vitamin C = ascorbic acid) stimulates the circulation. The body provides buffering to the supply of acid and thus the reduction of the pH. This compensation requires the activation of various mechanisms. The same applies to other acidic foods such as vinegar cucumbers.

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